You can color code some of the formulas so it SUMS and COUNTS based on the cell color, it repairs trailing minus signs with ease, transpose a single column into a table in seconds, select or filter by strikethrough formatted cells, and dozens more utility features to make tasks faster and easier. It auto numbers better, faster, and has more options than Excel’s built-in Fill tool. It has so many features, it could almost be a standalone program. Utility Add-Ins cover a number of processes such as screenshots, renaming current files, finding and removing external links, setting default paths to current file, closing multiple files at once, removing all macros (VBA code) from current file, barcode scanner, and much, much more. JD Sartain / IDG Worldwide Time Management Add-Ins Utility Add-Ins The onetime cost is $14.95 Remove non-product link. You can insert time data into tables, columns, rows, merged cells, non-adjacent cells, or any custom range and the settings can all be customized. Use the Popup Clock to populate an entire range with time values. It pops up beside the active cell with a “To Do List” that prompts you for the time/task information. This Add-In time tracker is part of the XLTools suite, which is accessed directly through the Ribbon menu on its own tab. I’d prefer to pay a one-time charge and own it. It’s not much, but all those monthly fees add up. Activity Timer costs $1.49 a month Remove non-product link. It drops onto your spreadsheet in the task pane (right side) and it’s easy to use. This Add-In works like a stop watch, so you can clock and record all of your activities and/or projects throughout the day. For businesses that bill out their employees’ time, such as law offices, computer support companies and the like, Time Management Add-Ins will save you and your colleagues a mountain of time. Time management Add-Ins are very popular because they track your activities, then produce a host of reports to illustrate how you (and your staff) spend your time. We made our selections based on personal need, the Add-Ins’ features and efficiency, the learning curve, and the cost. Note that some are new and some have been around for a while. Now that you understand how to locate and install Excel Add-Ins, here (below) are some of our favorites. Also, I have Excel 2013 and Excel 2016, and everything we tested here works in both versions (probably because they are so similar), regardless of the versions listed (some Add-Ins need to be updated). We tested most of the Add-Ins mentioned in this article, and many of those that received low ratings are actually quite helpful.

Take the stars/reviews shown in the Microsoft App store with a grain of salt.